Root canal is a space within the inner layers of the tooth. It majorly consist of the pulp chamber which is the space for soft tissue present in the tooth canals consisting of nerves and blood vessels. This pulp chamber is responsible for providing blood supply and necessary nourishment to the tooth.

Tooth decay starts in the superficial layers of the tooth. It usually begins in the enamel and if left untreated can spread to the soft tissue in the tooth and subsequently reach the pulp chamber. Once this infection reaches the pulp it gives rise to dental pain/tooth ache and infection.

At this stage the truth can only be saved by performing what is called as a root canal treatment.


Root canal treatment or endodontic therapy is a sequence of treatments for the infected pulp which results in the disinfection and protection of the tooth from further bacterial infection.

In the process the infected soft tissue of the pulp is removed, disinfected and the pulp chamber is increased to a size which can fit in an artificial inert filling material. This basically saves the tooth from pain and further infection.

Root canal treatment is performed for the following reasons:

  • Persistent tooth pain
  • Teeth that change color after a fall or trauma
  • Swelling and discharge from the gums
  • Ulceration and pass discharge from the truth
  • Tender tooth on chewing
  • Fractured or broken teeth

These days Root canal treatment and carried out by specialized machines and equipment which shorten the treatment time. The procedure is extremely comfortable and absolutely painless for the patient. It can be done in a single sitting of 45 minutes but sometimes because of infection the dentist may require up to 2 sittings to complete the procedure.

After the process of the root canal treatment a permanent filling is done on the tooth and your dentist will recommend putting a fixed crown on the tooth to protect the tooth structure and aid in eating.

KFEGGM Metall dental fillings, Medically accurate 3D illustration


“Restorative dentistry” is the term dental professionals use to explain how they replace missing or damaged teeth.